Gas services, such as transport or return of empty cylinders, are an important part of our comprehensive offering to our customers, providing a hands-on approach to understanding and fulfilling customers’ gas-related needs.
Carbon dioxide is an odourless, colourless and slightly toxic gas with a slightly pungent, acidic taste. It will not burn or support combustion. It is widely used in food processing for cooling, preservation and pH control.
Nitrogen is colourless, odourless and tasteless. It is non-flammable, will not support combustion and is not life-supporting. Liquid nitrogen's cooling properties are used to freeze food and other materials, modify metal properties, control reaction temperatures and cool concrete and simulate cold operating conditions.
Food grade gases are used as a processing aid and/or additive in order to ensure compliance with “food grade” regulations. Our food grade gas series is called BIOGON®.
Resonator gases are used in gas lasers to generate laser light, process laser gases used in cutting and welding. All gases are included in our LASERLINE program.
We offer a complete refrigerant programme for the refrigeration industry, with solutions suited to our customers' varying requirements. The programme covers both natural refrigerants, and HFC and HFO.
Specialty gases typically refer to calibration gases, zero gases, carrier gases, span gases, instrumentation gases and bump test gases. Specialty gases are used in analytical methods such as gas and liquid chromatography as well as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and non-dispersive infrared (NDIR).
Oxygen, nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide are standard or bulk gases and gas mixtures that are used in process and manufacturing industry today. For any welding process, it is important to choose the right shielding gas.
Gases are essential in daily life for consumer products such as dry ice, propane, and sparkling water makers. The right gas saves time and adds comfort.