
Supporting Innovation

Afrox Healthcare supports research by clinicians and academic institutions to enable the delivery of the right gas to the right organ in the right dose, thereby optimising patient care and outcomes.

To realise these targets we actively seek to collaborate not only with innovative researchers in hospitals and academic centres but also with commercial partners and inventors.

Our approach to innovation is defined by our three key goals:

  • - To enable health professionals to provide better and safer patient care.

  • - To develop and commercialise medical technologies that will significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

  • - To provide therapeutic solutions that will improve the efficiency, efficacy and safety of healthcare delivery and thus the burden on payers.

Innovation in healthcare

It is our intention to become the partner of choice for those seeking to develop innovative therapies based upon gases, gaseous technology, or gas competences.

Therefore part of our ongoing commitment is to optimise patient care and improve health outcomes. Linde Healthcare actively supports research by clinicians and academic institutions aimed at enabling the right gas to be delivered to the right organ in the right dose.

In keeping with Linde Healthcare's highly diversified portfolio of product offerings ranging from pharmaceutical gases and medical devices to services, we are open to exploring new innovations/services that address key unmet needs in Respiratory Care, Critical Care, Pain Control and Home-based Care.